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Bloomington Neurofeedback


Neurofeedback Therapy Explained

QEEG Brain Scans Explained

Why heart coherence it’s important to health & well-being.

SPECT scan pre post Neurofeedback on PTSD

ISNR: What is Neurofeedback

Fight or Flight: Using Neurofeedback to Treat PTSD & Substance Abuse

Neurofeedback Treatment: Stop Suffering

Dave Siever – TBI Lecture

What is Neurofeedback? A simple Introduction

AVE Explained

HeartMath Explained

SSP Explained

PBM and Brian Injury

AVE Explained

SSP Summary from Dr. Stephen Porges


A Consumer’s Guide to Understanding QEEG Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback

by Robert Longo

A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brain Wave Biofeedback

by Jim Robbins

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

by Bessel Van Der Kolk

ADD: The 20-Hour Solution

by Mark Steinberg

Biofeedback for the Brain: How Neurotherapy Effectively Treats Depression, ADHD, Autism, and More

by Paul Swingle

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

by Daniel Amen

Getting Rid of Ritalin

by Robert W. Hill

Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain

by Sebern Fisher

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

by Norman Doidge

The Healing Power of Neurofeedback

by Stephen Larsen

Quotes from the Experts:

“The literature, which lacks any negative study of substance, suggests that EEG biofeedback therapy should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy, it would be universally accepted and widely used. ”
Head of the Neuroimaging Department and of Neuroimaging Research at Boston Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School Professor, conducted an independent review of the literature on neurofeedback for Clinical Electroencephalography (2000). Frank Duffy, MD, Neurologist

“EEG biofeedback meets the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry criteria for clinical guidelines for treatment of ADHD, seizure disorders, anxiety (OCD, GAD, PTSD, phobias), depression, reading disabilities, and addictive disorders. This suggests that EEG biofeedback should always be considered as an intervention for these disorders by the clinician.”

“In cases of TBI, neurofeedback is probably better than any medication or supplement…”
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Richard Brown, MD

“Advantages to QEEG-Neurotherapy are that it is noninvasive, self-regulated, and has no know side effects, or systematic or pharmacological interactions. It is effective across a wide range of conditions and age groups.”
“Integrative Approaches to Brain Rehabilitation”, Chapter 12, Integrative Rehabilitation, in Integrative Psychiatry, Monti, D. & Beitman, B., (Editors), Weil Integrative Medicine Library, Oxford Press Denise Malkowicz, Jolene Ross, James Caunt

“Neurofeedback “makes the brain more vigorous and able to do a better job of managing body and mind…The more people I met in the field, the more impressed I was…The effects of neurofeedback are not subtle. They are extremely robust. There is nothing else like it, not even other kinds of biofeedback … There is enough evidence to know that neurofeedback has changed and will continue to change lives, a great many of them. It can treat serious problems that many people believe they must suffer with for the rest of their lives, without drugs or side effects.”

“In my own practice, I’ve used neurofeedback in a comprehensive medical treatment program to help more than 1,000 patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. When combined with supportive therapies such as family counseling and educational therapy, EEG neurofeedback is the most effective treatment available. Critics of EEG neurofeedback hold this treatment to more rigid standards than drug treatments. Yet unlike drugs, neurofeedback is benign.”
Medical Director Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine, Los Angeles Physician’s Weekly POINT/COUNTERPOINT; July 13, 1998 Vol. XV, No. 26 David F. Velkoff, M.D

“The goal of this book is not to prove that EEG neurofeedback is an effective treatment. The past 12 years have presented me with overwhelming evidence of the power of this modality.”
Getting Started with EEG Neurofeedback. 2nd Edition, WW Norton & Company, Inc. 2019 John N. Demos

“Astonishingly, the successful enhancement of SMR [Sensory Motor Rhythm] amplitude by ISC (Instrumental SMR Conditioning), improved sleep quality (indicated by decreased sleep onset latency) as well as declarative learning. ISC might thus be considered a promising nonpharmacological treatment for primary insomnia and other disorders.”

“The EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society supports Neurofeedback in the treatment of Seizure Disorders saying: “Based on this meta-analysis, EEG operant conditioning was found to produce a significant reduction in seizure frequency. This finding is especially noteworthy given the patient group, individuals who had been unable to control their seizures with medical treatment.”

“The EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society supports Neurofeedback in the treatment of Seizure Disorders saying: “Based on this meta-analysis, EEG operant conditioning was found to produce a significant reduction in seizure frequency. This finding is especially noteworthy given the patient group, individuals who had been unable to control their seizures with medical treatment.”


Harvard University 2017

Brain training: The future of psychiatric treatment?

2011 Journal of Neurotherapy

What is Neurofeedback: An Update by D. Corydon Hammond

1995 Journal of Neurotherapy

A Comparison of EEG Biofeedback and Psychostimulants in Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders by Thomas Rossiter and Theodore LaVaque

The Journal of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 2016

Neurofeedback: A Comprehensive Review on System Design, Methodology and Clinical Applications

American Counseling Association 2011

Amen Clinics:

How Neurofeedback Can Help You

ISNR: Comprehensive Neurofeedback Bibliography

by D. Corydon Hammond and D. Allen Novian